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Love's Trinity

Soul, heart, and body, we thus singly name,
Are not in love divisible and distinct,
But each with each inseparably link'd.
One is not honor, and the other shame,
But burn as closely fused as fuel, heat, and flame.

They do not love who give the body and keep
The heart un-given; nor they who yield the soul,
And guard the body. Love doth give the whole;
Its range being high as heaven, as ocean deep,

Wide as the realms of air or planet's curving sweep.

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First Love

I ne'er was struck before that hour
With love so sudden and so sweet.
Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower
And stole my heart away complete.

My face turned pale, a deadly pale.
My legs refused to walk away,
And when she looked what could I ail
My life and all seemed turned to clay.

And then my blood rushed to my face
And took my eyesight quite away.
The trees and bushes round the place
Seemed midnight at noonday.

I could not see a single thing,
Words from my eyes did start.
They spoke as chords do from the string,
And blood burnt round my heart.

Are flowers the winter's choice
Is love's bed always snow
She seemed to hear my silent voice
Not love appeals to know.

I never saw so sweet a face
As that I stood before.
My heart has left its dwelling place
And can return no more.

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The Passionate Love

Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove,
Those valleys, groves, hills and fields,
Woods or steepy mountains yield.

And we will sit upon the rocks,
Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks
By shallow rivers, to whose falls
Melodious birds sing madrigals.

And I will make thee beds of roses,
And a thousand fragrant posies,
A cap of flowers and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle;

A gown made of the finest wool,
Which from our pretty lambs we pull;
Fair-lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of the purest gold;

A belt of straw and ivy buds,
With coral clasps and amber studs;
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me and be my love.

The shepherd swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May morning;
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me and be my love.

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You're Still The One

You're still the one

I want to love forever.

You're still the one

I want to wake up with every morning

And snuggle with every night.

The one I want to share my dreams with,

Build castles in the air with,

The one whose hand I want to hold

When I'm afraid, whose shoulder

I want to lean on when I need support.

You're still the one

I want to encourage

To make your own dreams come true,

The one I want to comfort

When you need a source of strength,

The one I want to hold close always.

You're still the one,

the only one,

I want to love forever.

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Remember Life

Can I remember life before I met you?
It's a different world, now that I'm part of two.

It's been 20 years now, and I'm no longer alone.

Love like yours, I'd never before known.

The things I consider on days like this,

Are the small moments, so full of bliss.

A kiss on my foreheads, a glance acoss the bed,

Laughing with you until blood pounds in my head.

Your warm black eyes are where I find my strength,

A day spent without you is of unbearable length.

Is it absurd that love makes me feel this way?

Silly and giddy with this day's display.

It is in your arms that my day begins and ends,

We're not only lovers..!!!, we are best friends.

I treasure you, Sneha, as I never dreamed I could,

So thank you, for giving me something this good.

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Everyone needs someone

The world is moving faster now;

We're on a changing course.

But you have helped me deal with life;

You've been a stable force.

When I have had to follow;

New directions, you were there.

When the world was hard on me

You always seemed to care.

When nothing held together;

Made the slightest bit of sense.

You have always helped restore;

My inner confidence.

Everyone needs someone;

Who's reliable and true.

Through the moments

I've endured; I'm grateful there was you.

Thanks For Always Being There.

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My love

The girl I love is comely, straight, and tall,

Down her white neck her auburn tresses fall;

Her dress is neat, her carriage light and free,

Here's a health to that charming maid, whoe'er she be!

The rose's blush but fades beside her cheek,

Her eyes are blue, her forehead pale and meek;

Her lips like cherries on a summer tree,

Here's a health to that charming maid, whoe'er she be!

When I go to the field no youth can lighter bound,

And I freely pay when the cheerful jug goes round;

The barrel is full, but its heart we soon shall see,

Here's a health to that charming maid, whoe'er she be!

Had I the wealth that props the Saxon's reign,

Or the diamond crown that decks the King of Spain;

I'd yield them all if she kindly smiled on me,

Here's a health to the maid I love, whoe'er she be!

Five pounds of gold for each lock of her hair I'd pay,
And five times five for my love one hour each day;

Her voice is more sweet than the thrush on its owngreen tree,

Then, my dear, may I drink a fond deep health to thee!

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Depth of Dream

Because of the light of the moon,

Silver is found on the moor;

And because of the light of the sun,

There is gold on the walls of the poor.

Because of the light of the stars,

Planets are found in the stream;

And because of the light of your eyes,

There is love in the depths of my dream.

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Sweet Melodies

The sweetest melodies are those sung from the heart.

The softest harmonies are when two souls mend together.

Why then do people say it's love that tears them apart?

When it's with love that you can stand the stormy weather.

When I met you, spring was here, and the birds were nesting.

I looked into your soft eyes and saw the prettiest smile.

Heaven pulled down her vail and offered her most sacred blessing.

I've met an angel, I couldn't help but to smile.

Sittting by the pool of life, reflecting upon it'ssurface,

I think of others and I get a little ripple.

I think of you, and a wave swells, spraying my face.

You said you wouldn't cry, but I see the tears startto trickle.

Some people don't believe in love at first sight,

Obviously they haven't seen you.

Drifting on love's endless blissful flight,

I'm so glad I met you.

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The Wish

If I could only have one wish,

One wish that would come true;

Then there would be no thought at all,

I'd wish to be with you.

While some may wish for wealth or fame,

Or hope to be a king;

Without you standing by my side,

It wouldn't mean a thing.

For wealth could never buy your love,

And fame is often fleeting;

And what good is it to be a king,

If it's not you I'm greeting?

So if I ever get my wish,

And have that choice to make;

I'll leave the rest to someone else,

It's you that I will take.

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Your Smile

Your smile gives me so much happiness,

Like a springing fountain in a garden,

Bringing achingly sweet softness and mist;

Divine drops of shining suncaressing crimson,

Violet, shell pink petals,giving the green leaves life.

Each illumined liquid bead, a touch of joyous living;

Each sparkling smile, the indelible touchof loving you.

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Eternal Spring

Eternal Spring

Like songbirds, flying from place to place,

My heart seeks out your warm embrace.

Like those who know a joyous dream,

The thought of you makes my heart sing.

Faces of love, so sweet and tender,

Fill my world with joyous wonder.

A place of joy is sought, then within a moment,

You become the essence of hope's fulfillment.

A love arose, to match the dreams,

Now loving you, I've found... Eternal Spring.

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One in a million

One in a million:

I have two ears

to listen to you,

when you have problems

you need to talk through,

I have one mouth

to tell so much,

to speak of your beauty

or ask for you touch,

I have one nose

to smell you near,

a distinguished smell

no one could ever here,

I have two eyes

to see your physique,

I adore your beautiful smile

that would be so unique,

I have one brain

to think so much of you,

if you give me the chance

there's so much we could do,

I have two hands to touch your back,

to caress your body

when the world gives you a smack,

Baby I told you that you were my finesse of love,

when I think of my special one

it is you I always think of,

your ears, your hands,

your heart and your sight,

your nose, your mouth,

your arms and your height,

Would you give me the greatest feeling

May be that’s why your one in a million!

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Depth of Love

Good Morning Sweet Morning...

Good morning, sweet morning, good morning

Like an alabaster goddess you lie in beautyIn radiance your face shines from the passion of thenight

Need I tell you of the stirring in the depths of mylove

Dawn awakens and I have a thirst for all of you

A need to devour you with myself, to drink of yoursweet honey

Can you feel the stirring deep in your soul?

Have you tasted the first droplets of my passion?

Every fiber of my being aches to feel you next to me

Shivering delight of your breasts against my chest

Yearning to be loved by your loverTotally with abandon do we succumb to our desire

Good morning, sweet morning, good morning. Understand my depth of love.

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Sweet Moments

The Moment You Said Hello...

I don't know what it wasAbout the word you said,Which on that certain dayCaused me to turn my head.

When I looked into your eyesI could see my hopes and dreams,And each time I hear your voiceI know what forever means.

There isn't a star I wouldn't give youI'll say the sweetest words you've ever heard,Not a day will pass, when I won't be thereI know all this from your one simple word.

Your smile tells the truthAnd I know without a doubt,In my heart, from the startYou were the one I couldn't live without.

What is this word you saidWhich gave me the greatest love I could know?,I've loved you from the moment you spoke'The Moment You Said "Hello."

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Emotion is Love

"When the emotion is love... everyone is a poet."------------ --------- --------- -------

Desire and intimacy are very much a part of love,and these poems provethat sex need not be sordid or ugly.On the contrary,between two people very much in love with each other,it can the most beautiful and natural thing in theuniverse. The moment you feel that you need to live your life without any expectations from your partner, you have conquered it. Trust me, the other name of your emotion is love. Life is wonderful with your loved partner. I would like to relate with someone. Always be ready to welcome happier and lovely time.

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